Lavender Bouquet Soap


Lavender Bouquet Soap


A rich and simple classic, the olive oil, sweet almond oil and shea butter make for a comforting and gentle soap.  The lavender infusion and essential oils add a soothing aroma with excellent skin benefits.  The brazilian clay gives purifying qualities. 

This soap is appropriate for facial use as well as for sensitive skins.

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Special Ingredients

Lavender infusions, jojoba oil, purple brazilian clay


Each recipe is handmade in small 5- to 10-lb batches using quality ingredients that are natural or cosmetic grade or produced here on the farm.

Approx weight: 4.5 oz though this may vary due to the nature of being a handmade item


Handmade soap lasts longest when allowed to dry between use. Use a draining soap dish and keep away from moisture sources. When not in use, store in a dry, well-ventilated area. For even longer use, cut your soap into smaller pieces and use a piece at a time.


Distilled water, sodium hydroxide, lavender infused olive oil, shea butter, jojoba oil, purple brazilian clay, sodium lactate, essential oils, fragrance, natural pigment, titanium dioxide


Do not use on or near eyes, mouth, sensitive areas, or on any other mucosal linings of the body. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. Please read ingredients carefully in case of allergies or sensitive skin. Though made with natural products, do not eat. Use with caution when bathing children or babies as eye irritation will occur. The safety of this product has not been determined.